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Blog Posts

My Happy Heart: A COVID-19 Reflection

By Lynn Hess, Teacher and Director As you know, these are unprecedented times. As Teachers, we all miss the children in our classes and their families. In the state of
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Racial Equity in Early Childhood and Our Statement Opposing Zero-Tolerance

Racial Equity in Early Childhood By Beth Coleman, Frog teacher (Fall 2017-May 2019), and Danielle Larkin, Tadpole teacher and SoG Board member “Children are citizens of their environment and learning
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Art Show 2019 Featuring Process-Focused Art

by Pam Pittenger, Turtle Class Co-Lead Teacher This week, teachers at The School of Grace have been busy setting up our displays for the annual Young Artists’ Exhibit, informally known
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Why Do We Sing All Morning?

by Pam PIttenger, Turtle Class Teacher At any moment in the morning in the Turtle class, you may hear music.  The music may be classical music, it may be music
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Bucket Fillers

Bucket Fillers by Kerrie Houseworth, Monkey Class Teacher Many studies indicate that labeling students can have a detrimental effect on their self image, and, ultimately, their success.  While this is
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2016 Annual Art Show and Silent Auction

“Allowing Them to Grow and Thrive” -Lynn Hess, Director Earlier this week, I sent an email to our current families about The School of Grace Annual Art Show and Silent Auction.
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Making Friends

By Erin S., parent and Board member When preschool students really start establishing friendships it is such a magical journey to be apart of.  One of my favorite aspects of
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Palm Parade Surprise

By Brittany Notch, Tadpole Class (2/3 Year Olds) Teacher and parent of a child in the Monkey Class (3 ½-5 Year Olds) Working with children between the ages of six
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Learning Through the Arts at The School of Grace

“Learning Through the Arts at The School of Grace” -Kris M., parent and Board Member The Arts–music, painting, dance–are front and center at the School of Grace. On a recent
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When is the Right Time for Preschool?

-Lynn Hess, Director June and July are often months when parents of preschool aged children wonder if their child would benefit from a school experience prior to kindergarten. Friends and
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Nurturing Determined Children

– By Sarah M. You know the look the bottom lip comes out, the brows go down, the arms get crossed. Your child is determined to get their way. They
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The Little Drummer Boy

– Lynn Hess After Thanksgiving, our focus in Music class is on Christmas.  We sing fun songs, like “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, during which we clap, jump and
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