Summer Playground Playdates

Come join us on July 14th and 28th for our annual summer Playground Playdates.  This event is for all families with preschoolers, including past and returning School of Grace families, along with anyone interested in learning more about our program.  Join us from 10 a.m. until noon on the playground.  We’ll have bubbles, water play and more!

This is a fun way to see old friends, make new friends and talk with others about The School of Grace.  Sign up is not required.  All you need to do is show up!  An adult must accompany each child or siblings.  Bathing suits are recommended.

This is a free event!

Questions:  Contact the Director through the website or by calling 919.787.4740

Raleigh Summer Camp at The School of Grace

August 1-5, 2011 from 9 a.m. until Noon

Click here for the Summer Camp Registration Form

Watermelon, sandals, days spent at the pool and weekends camping at the beach are all fond summer memories. The beauty of summer is time for those activities; time for a change of pace.  Somehow, while summer schedules seem just as busy as during the regular school year, they are just different in the summer.

At The School of Grace, we honor the tradition of summer, giving families a break and time for a change in routine. In August, we celebrate with a week of camp for children ages 2 through 5 years.  Camp is not a mirror of the regular school year, it is different. While we still enjoy time each morning for creating, exploring and getting to know each other, we incorporate an outdoor component, water. Continue reading

16th Annual Yard Sale


As you know, we held our 16th Annual Yard Sale this morning. Our parent, staff and high school volunteers spent many hours setting up the Fellowship Hall, receiving donations, organizing, pricing, baking, selling, packing up, cleaning and delivering our surplus to North Raleigh Ministries. Although there are many components in just a few days to the Yard Sale, everything went smoothly because our volunteers eagerly participated.

Our parents, church members, families and friends also donated time as they cleaned out closets, attics and garages, donating their extras to The School of Grace.

The sale itself was delightful! We reconnected with people who attend each year, learning about families like the mother with twins who struggled last year and received many donations of baby supplies from us. Continue reading

Welcome to the School of Grace Blog!

Welcome to The School of Grace, a parent participatory preschool serving children ages 6 months through 5 years. We are a non-profit program that strives to help each child reach his or her greatest potential. We do this by focusing on who the child is at the moment he/she steps into our school. Each child is welcomed and guided into a classroom that taps into a variety of learning styles and interests. The teachers adapt the classroom throughout the year based on the needs and interests of the children. For example, during one year, the children in the Turtle (Infant/Toddler) Class thoroughly enjoyed dressing up. Every day, someone donned the dresses, hats, boots and shirts, pretending to be many different characters. The following year, no one even approached the dress up center. The teacher removed the clothing and replaced it with puppets, much to the children’s delight.Continue reading