16th Annual Yard Sale


As you know, we held our 16th Annual Yard Sale this morning. Our parent, staff and high school volunteers spent many hours setting up the Fellowship Hall, receiving donations, organizing, pricing, baking, selling, packing up, cleaning and delivering our surplus to North Raleigh Ministries. Although there are many components in just a few days to the Yard Sale, everything went smoothly because our volunteers eagerly participated.

Our parents, church members, families and friends also donated time as they cleaned out closets, attics and garages, donating their extras to The School of Grace.

The sale itself was delightful! We reconnected with people who attend each year, learning about families like the mother with twins who struggled last year and received many donations of baby supplies from us. She and her mother both returned today, happy to share news of the healthy status of the children. At our “Cafe”, where we sold baked goods, doughnuts and coffee, shoppers often stopped to chat, sharing their stories. One man shopped early, then returned later to enjoy our goodies and shop some more. His comment as he left was, “I have had lots of fun this morning!”

The purpose of the Yard Sale is to raise money. The intrinsic reward is recognizing the generosity of donors and then, in turn, sharing with others as we give extra to shoppers who are obviously in need of assistance, as we interact with our community and as we listen. The tangible bonus is the money we raise for our scholarship program. At this time, the preschool has received $1200 from the Yard Sale. Some more valuable items that didn’t sell will be sold on Craig’s List, which will add to our total.

I’d say that the whole experience was successful!

Thank you for your generosity of time and treasures!

On behalf of our scholarship recipients…many thanks for making a difference in the lives of young children.

Have a Grace Filled Day!,