Christ-filled Moments

By Brittany Notch.

Christ-filled Moments

At The School of Grace, two special classes are offered each week. Chapel is offered to the three older classes and Music is offered to every class. This year, the Tadpole and Turtle Classes join each other for Music on Thursdays in the church library. During Music, the preschool Director, Lynn, leads the Music lesson. She sings while teaching children words and movements to each song. Lynn also plays the guitar and introduces an instrument to be played by all the children. Teachers and assistant teachers sing along, assisting the children however possible. Some weeks we play tiny 4oz plastic cups with plastic spoons, other weeks we shake bells strung in a circle on pipe cleaners. We love beating our plastic coffee container drums and sometimes we even use bright colored, mesh scarves to wave around and toss in the air. Many other creative utensils and tools are used as our musical instruments, with my favorite one of all: the wooden percussion frogs.Continue reading

The Art Show is Coming!

By Lynn Hess, Director

School of Grace Art ShowThe staff members are getting ready for the Art Show. Next week, you will notice canopies in the Fellowship Hall. Each class will use one canopy to display art collected throughout the school year. As the week progresses, more art will be displayed.

During the week, I will visit each class and read “Harold and the Purple Crayon”. We will talk about how Harold uses his imagination to create. Then we will make the connection between Harold’s entertaining pictures and stories to the art the children have created at school. We’ll visit the Art Show as a class, allowing each child to choose his/her favorite piece of his own art. The children will then put a “Purple Crayon Award” on that piece of art, after which, we will all clap and cheer. The children adore this part of the art show. They learn that what they create is important and that we celebrate who they are.Continue reading